My connection is Samantha and Mollie going on an adventure on the Titanic. It is very similar to the adventure Jack and Rose went on in the movie Titanic. Both Samantha and Mollie have similar characteristics to Jack and Rose. Rose is very adventurous and daring, while Jack is very realistic and skeptical. The detail in the book that led me to make this connection is “how about we go exploring?” Mollie watches me. “I don’t like the look in your eyes, not one bit.” That quote shows the similar character traits between Mollie and Samantha and Jack and Rose.
I chose this quote because it has a thought-provoking point in the plot. This mysterious lady forced Sam to go inside her home. She told Sam that practicing spells too much can cause her to die. That quote added a lot of suspense to the plot and had me on the edge of my seat.
I chose this photo because most of the setting of the book is in the ocean. The main character has dreams and can see ghosts from the Titanic. The ocean plays a big part in the book.
Hi, I'm Siarra Miller and I'm an avid reader. My favorite genre to read is historical/realistic fiction. A book I've read recently is Piecing Me Together by Renee Watson. I picked the book Haunting the Deep because I read the summary and the plot seemed interesting.
I am currently reading Haunting the Deep by Adriana Mather. The book is about a girl named Samantha who sees ghost. One night she dreams about the Titanic. One minute Sam is asleep in her own bed, the next minute she is strolling down the grand hallways of the Titanic in an elegant gown. Eventually the ship starts to haunt Sam’s life. Will she be able to escape the madness? So far, I’ve only read about 15 pages of my book and I’m really enjoying it. I really Adriana Mather’s writing style. She is great at describing character’s emotions and the setting. It almost feels like you’re in the book! I have a good feeling that this book will be interesting because I’m only 15 pages in and the storyline already has me on the edge of my seat.